Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Early Puberty: Hitting the panic Button!

Precocious Puberty can occur in girls as well as boys. If not detected and treated early, such children can have serious physical  and psychological problems.

Arpita [name changed] came to my clinic with her mother. She was eight and a half year old and clearly in distress. Her parents were panicked as Arpita had her first periods at such a tender age. Precocious Puberty is a hormonal disorder in children where the pubertal changes happen early. As per the definition, the puberty is called precocious [early] if the pubertal changes [breast development] in girls starts before 8 years or the testis/penis enlarges in boys before 9 years of age. It may be accompanied by development of pubic/ body hair and change in the body odour.

Normal Puberty:
Puberty, is caused by sex steroids that are produced in the gonads [Ovaries in girls and testis in the boys]. The timing of puberty is largely determined by genes and the environment. The signal for producing these steroids originates from the hypothalamus [a part of brain]. Hypothalamus and gonads are active at birth, but it goes off to sleep for almost 10-12 years till the right time for puberty is there. Hypothalamus receives cues from environment and the body fat; and when the time is right, between 10-13 years it starts producing weak signals. These signals stimulate pituitary gland to produce hormones. These hormones become more active as the signal goes from weak to strong with time. Gonads [Testes/ Ovaries] respond to these hormones and start producing sex steroids [Testosterone/ Estrogen]. Sex steroids act on sex organs. In girls, the usual pattern is enlargement of breasts, followed by appearance of pubic hair and in the last, menses. Boys have enlargement of testes, followed by enlargement of penis, appearance of pubic hair and sperm production. Both boys and girls grow rapidly during the pubertal age and gain almost 25 percent of their final height during puberty. Girls have their puberty earlier and stop growing earlier than boys.

Precocious Puberty: Causes
Puberty can start early when either the brain signals early or the gonads become active even without the signal. Adrenal gland may cause early development of underarm/pubic hair.
In girls, most of the times, the cause for early puberty is not found. Such condition is called as ‘Idiopathic’. Where in boys, most of the cases have underlying brain, testicular or adrenal problem. Various disorders of brain [Tumour/ Infection/ Trauma/ Radiation/ Surgery] can make this signal appear early. Exposure to various medicines, skin creams or pesticides may also cause pubertal changes in children. Sometimes the pubertal changes start early but do not progress to full-blown puberty. Early puberty may run in families.

What are the dangers of early puberty?
As the puberty starts, the bones grow and mature faster. During early puberty, these kids appear taller than their peers as the peers have not yet entered puberty. But as the puberty advances, the bones stop growing early and the final height of such children is often severely compromised. Such children end up being short. There is also psychological impact on the children such as school absenteeism and feeling embarrassed. Such children are at high risk for getting sexual exposure and abuse due to their physical maturity. The underlying causes such as brain tumour need urgent attention and treatment.

Can early puberty be treated?
It is necessary to investigate the cause of this early puberty. Some blood tests help in knowing if the puberty has started from the brain, adrenals or the gonads. An X-ray of the wrist tells us about the accelerated growth and the potential for final height. Only a rough prediction can be made about the final height in such cases by looking at wrist x-ray.
Most of the cases in girls are treatable with monthly/ three monthly injections of Leuprolide. Boys may need further investigations like MRI brain and adrenal hormone testing. Treatment in boys mainly depends on the underlying cause. The puberty is usually delayed by the medications till the child is old and mature enough to handle the pubertal changes. The treatment halts the puberty and allows bones to grow for more time, thus helping to grow to a normal height.

Is it safe to halt the puberty by medications in such cases?
The medications [Leuprolide] are temporarily delaying the puberty. Puberty usually re-starts within 6-18 months of stopping the treatment. Occasionally some patients may have allergy/ pain, otherwise the drug is safe. Rarely patients can have abscess at the injection site. Patients on treatment need to consume calcium [Milk, Ragi, Lentils] as the bone keep growing for longer periods at slow pace.

Puberty is said to be early if it starts in girls below 8 and boys below 9 years of age. Early puberty may have psychologic effects on children. These children are tall in early stages but their bones stop growing early and they remain short as Adults. Problems in the brain, pituitary, adrenals, gonads [testes/ovary] and some drugs/chemicals can cause this problem. Most of these problems are treatable. The purpose of treatment is to achieve normal height and to delay the puberty till the child is mature enough to manage it.
Dr.Tushar Godbole
Pediatric Endocrinolgist

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